Press Release: Leading Ladies of Legacy continues Christmas Blessings Program
Leading Ladies of Legacy Inc is proud to announce that our applications for the Christmas Blessings program are open for registration from November 1st-November 20th, 2021. Each year we help dozens of families with toys, groceries, and other needs for the holiday season. Each applicant is accepted on a case-by-case basis as funds are available. Children ages 1-15 are eligible to apply for gifts.
“Every year it’s such a joy to bring the holiday spirit to families in need,” says Regina Coley, Executive Director.
To apply visit:
About Leading Ladies of Legacy
Leading Ladies of Legacy produces young women who have strong academic backgrounds, understand and build resilience, fight and overcome poverty, exude self-worth and confidence, give back to the community, and display leadership. Through membership meetings, programs, events, and community service we will identify and challenge young women to develop compassion, confidence, and a commitment to service and leadership within their communities. To learn more visit or follow us on Facebook.
Regina Coley, Leading Ladies of Legacy, 404.889.8626,